Monday, February 21, 2005

Sunlight reminding

Sunlight reminding
What is luminous in me:
Forgotten wonder.

Me (the blog):

I'm taking myself too seriously.

And I'm felling some budding exhibitionism.

I thought about a hit counter, so I would know if anybody was reading me, but all the free hit counters I found had ads attached to them, and I don't like ads. Anyway, more than I really want to know how many people look and how often, I really want some feed-back from whoever does read me. If you are willing, if you are a frequent reader, or have just now stumbled upon me, please comment on a haiku you like, or don't like, and, if you can, tell me why. Pick one, and pick it apart, critique it, deconstruct it, hypothesize about its historical context, or just tell me you think it’s poop, whatever floats your boat. I’ll keep going, even if no one responds, but I'd love to know what you think.


Yours truly,



Blogger Michelle said...

Away from the dark
My fibers stretching, reaching
For sweet warmth of sun.

I choose "Away from the dark" not because the first time I read it, I went "aha!" But because I keep coming back to it as if I can feel my own "fibers" stretching when thinking of the sun. I also like the ambiguity of it. It can be a longing poem. How do we know the subject in the haiku is in the warm sunlight right now? We don't. The subject could be searching for sunlight, remembering how its body stretched in the sunlight. Or wishing and in wishing, stretching.
Anyways, I am not very good at "deconstructing" haiku's, I try to make things too difficult and haikus are so exquistly simple. There are definitely a lot of your haikus, Mr. Haikuoftheday, that I do love and went "aha" upon first reading. But this one haunted me for days...stretching fibers...

Yours truly,
Mrs. Haikuoftheday

1:26 PM  

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