Thursday, December 20, 2007

She whoops like a crane

She whoops like a crane
But she isn't extinct yet.
At least we hope not.

Wednesday, December 19, 2007

Conversing backwards

Conversing backwards
With myself, in haiku rythm
Am I quite mad yet?


The trash reference is for me,
Not my friend Peter.

Girthy it may be.

Girthy it may be.
Self-referencing po-mo trash.
But I'm being harsh.

A flexible view

A flexible view
Of dipthongs and parts of speech
Can help the haikuist.

This has got to stop.

This has got to stop.
Dandelion has three or four
Syllables. Not both.

Now I'm wondering:

Now I'm wondering:
Do Dandelions dopple
As they bloom past me?

Dandelions still bloom

Dandelions still bloom
Past my stationary feet.
I munch dropped pecans.

I don't really think

I don't really think
"Doppling" is even a word.
What do dopplers do?

Outside, the passing

Outside, the passing
Cars beg me to recognize
Their doppling voices.

So long is the reach

So long is the reach
Of my missionary friends
Digitized hoodlums.


Of verse mocked: ones and zeroes,
Temporal, vanish.

Guest Post

poet constipate
liberate girthy cargo
writer's block, my ass


The finality

The finality:
The intent faces, searching
For knowledge long lost.

Saturday, December 01, 2007

What they were doing

What they were doing
Waiting there, trying to pretend
That we wouldn't know?