Wednesday, October 04, 2006

Today's tests stacked in

Today's tests, stacked in
Three towers, looming, promise
To watch the day drag.


Blogger cgjohnson said...

I abhor giving tests. I know when my students have learned something. They know when they've learned something. Testing is a poor way to determine if someone has learned something. They're an even worse way of motivating someone to learn something.

I'm a teacher and I believe high stakes testing devalues my profession, devalues my students, and devalues the learning process.

8:36 AM  
Blogger Michelle said...

You are such a talented and gifted teacher. Your talents and those of your students are dimmed in the American public school system. But keep fighting the good fight, baby, we all need people like you more than ever.

I love you.

4:16 PM  
Blogger Aaron Sacco said...

Yeah, I spoke with this guy who lived in Germany yesterday and he described how excellent the school system is there. Apparently, if they decide to go to a lower trade school, they only go til 9th grade. If you choose to go to a more advanced trade school, you go until 11th grade. If you want to go to college, you go to 13th grade and then three years of "Uni". That saves on schooling once you're in college, and you get to avoid all the stupid unnecessary classes freshman year. Not to mention that it doesn't classify people as failures if they don't go to college or if they choose a more trade oriented profession.
How can kids enjoy learning, when they don't get any positive affirmation. Stupid government testing!
Lord knows how difficult you must have it, Johnson. You're a bad-ass!! and a great friend too.

8:11 PM  
Blogger cgjohnson said...

Thanks for the encouragement. I love you guys too.

3:57 PM  

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